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I took on this writing assignment, not to color the page with a bunch of financial mumbo-jumbo but to offer you me…to show you the who, what, when, why and where.  To teach you things that most won’t so that you can have what others don’t.  This platform is my opportunity to share what I wish I had gotten in college and to make sure that you are better prepared than I was to enter the real world where the game of life is played very strategically.  See…I am a real woman, who had real struggles, who made some real choices that have really changed my financial future.  I quickly understood that I was at the mid-point of my life and if I didn’t make the necessary changes needed to enhance my well being, my next five years would look a lot like the previous.  And that is something I did not want.  So…a few years back, I began the journey to equip myself with the financial education tools needed to empower not only my family but yours as well.  I stand as a testimony of hope, resilience and as John Maxwell would say, “Failing Forward”.  Yes, I failed to plan…then, but not anymore.  Too much is at stake!

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See…life was not intended for us to live it without purpose.  We have to prepare for everything and finances is one of those things that can’t be figured out when it’s most convenient.  It’s never going to be the right time to save.  It’s just not.  As a matter of fact, it can be quite taxing to even think about “paying yourself first” when you need gas for your car or food on the table.   I get that.  I’ve been there.  But you have to.  The peace of mind that comes with knowing that your family could have $100-200k just by saving $50-100 per month for the next 30 years is priceless.  I mean…how quickly do we run through $100?  In a nano-second!  All I’m saying is, save it…and watch what happens.  Chances are, you won’t even miss it and I can help you understand HOW to get what the banks and credit unions have been getting for years – highER interest rates.  That one little nugget can change the destiny of your children’s children.

Read: Are the Banks Stealing From You

Many of my clients will tell me, “Ingrid, I just can’t…I’m broke!”  My response to them is, “Broke can be fixed.  If not now when?!”  Every day that we “wait,” is strangling us more and more.  Wouldn’t you agree?!  Time is not going to pause itself for you to decide when the right moment is for you to start a retirement account so you won’t be broke in your latter years.  Death isn’t going to tap it’s foot until you think it’s the best time for you to get life insurance.  Nobody plans their disabilities…they just happen. We can always find something a little more pressing than to save because something and I do mean – something – is always going to seem more important – right now.  Now…I’m not using this platform to toot my horn as if I’ve always been on this financially literate boat.  BUT…the day I found out, I began to make changes – immediately.  I knew that if I didn’t, neither my son nor I would have a rats chance at eating beyond whatever social security would have offered.  And the last I checked, there are going to be some major changes in that system that will prevent either you or I to partake.  So if we have not created any additional solutions to that system, we are in trouble.  Big trouble!  Now that I have become an expert in teaching people how money works, I feel it is my sole purpose in life to share what I know with the world.

Read: Is Social Security Still A Good Deal

The bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge”.  Being ignorant (unlearned) will kill you.  And sometimes the death of our finances can be slow and painful.  Days turn into months, months into years, years into decades…and then you’re retired wondering, “Where did all of my money go…why am I broke?”  Yes, I understand, people have been taken advantage of…I understand there are scams out there waiting for the unsuspecting and I’ve been one of them…hungry for a quick solution only to be met with a depleted bank account after spending my last on empty promises.  But the reality is, 9 out of 10 people are looking for someone to coach them…a person (not a Google link) to answer their questions…a professional that will tell them the truth and help their family become financially successful.  I am that person.  I can help you.  I have studied long, I listen to the concerns of my clients and I do my best to meet their needs,  not by giving them what I think is best but by assessing their situation with a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) and customizing a plan that best fits them.  I help Main Street families grimace through the pain of learning how to save so that they aren’t left to figure how how they will eat when they are old.

I am licensed in at least a dozen states.  Again…I can help!  Ask me…

My friends, we have to plan!  We have to plan to plan.  And this is my opportunity to help you do it!

Until next time,


Failing To Plan Could Be The Death Of You!  was originally published on elev8.com