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Virtual Academy Registration, Remote Learning for Students in Quarantine/Isolation

Deadline for Virtual Academy Registration is May 2

The registration window for the WCPSS Virtual Academy will close Sunday, May 2 at 5 p.m. Anyone wishing to register outside this window will not be guaranteed a seat in the Virtual Academy, due to staffing and scheduling issues. Register now or learn more.

Clarifying remote learning expectations for students during required quarantine or isolation

It’s critical that students who can’t be at school in person because of a COVID-19 exposure or diagnosis are able to continue their education through remote learning. While they are at home, their teachers will provide them with meaningful remote instruction. While the instruction could be either live virtual instruction or independent assignments, it will be aligned with the same lessons that their in-person peers are receiving. Students should not go multiple days without individualized communication from teachers.

Remote learning options will vary per school, based on staffing, class sizes, course offerings or schedules. If space and resources allow, schools may choose to temporarily move students to Virtual Academy classes. Families should contact their school to learn which remote learning options are available.

What health measures will be in schools in 2021-22 for students attending in-person?

The health and safety of our students is always our top priority. We will continue to adhere to any health measures required by the NC Department of Health and Human Services and consult with Wake County Public Health to determine what precautions are needed in our schools to keep our students, staff, and community healthy in a safe and welcoming environment. There is no way for us to know at this time what their guidance will be or what health precautions will be required in July and August, when we’re preparing to start the next school year. We recognize the difficult challenge this creates for families needing to make an informed decision now about how their student will attend school next year. Whether you choose to attend school in person or remotely through the Virtual Academy, we are committed to providing every student with relevant, rigorous, and meaningful learning every day that aligns with North Carolina’s grade-level standards.


Karen Clark head shot

Source: In His Image Photography / In His Image Photography

Facebook: The Karen Clark

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Wake County Parents…It’s Time To Sign Up For Virtual Academy!!  was originally published on ronefoxync.staging.go.ione.nyc