Triangle Empowered: Domestic Violence Education and Resources

Source: @victoriasaidit / Radio One Digital Raleigh

Melissa Wade of The Light 103.9 with Bernetta Thigpen, The Northern Piedmont Region Director of NC Council for Women & Youth Involvement – NC Department of Administration for our October Domestic Violence Awareness Month Triangle Empowered. Triangle Empowered where knowledge is power.

As Covid-19 has kept us in the house, for some being in the home is the most dangerous place, because escaping an abuser is impossible. Thankfully the NC Council for Women & Youth Involvement would like to take this time to educate and provide resources for those in need.

Here are helpful numbers to reach out to :

National DV Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE(7233)

1-855-4- VICTIM (842846)

Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Deaf Hotline 1-855-812-1001

Trans LifeLine 1-877-565-8860

Teen Dating Violence 1-866-331-9474

NC Council for Women & Youth Involvement 1-877-502-9898



Triangle Empowered: Domestic Violence Education and Resources  was originally published on